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Torture is a Crime Against Humanity

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Our colleague, Att. Sertuğ Sürenoğlu has been tortured by the policemen.Torture is a crime against humanity.

13:55 . 18 Nisan 2019

Our colleague, Att. Sertuğ Sürenoğlu has been tortured by the policemen in front of the Çırağan Palace, Istanbul since he criticized the blocking of the main street by the officers for a wedding to which president Erdoğan attends.


Torture is a crime against humanity. The policemen that tortured our colleague are not the only responsible party for this crime. The ones who spread and normalizes the violence to all parts of the society have the responsibility as well.


The public officials who hides behind their uniform and the culture of impunity in Turkish law would serve the sentence sooner or later.

The office of the chief public prosecutor should detect the attackers and bring them to justice. The examining prosecutor has not done his duty to investigate the torture case. Moreover, the  prosecutor has sent our college to the court instead of the responsible officers of the torture case. Therefore, the examining prosecutor should be suspended from his job and an official investigation should be launched against him.


We wish our colleague a quick recovery and declare that Izmir Bar Association will be with him during all procedures from now on.


Izmir Bar Association